precipitated silica

Function as matting, anticaking, thickening agent, absorbent, rheology modifier 

Precipitated silica is an amorphous form of silica, our precipitated silica products are used as high-performance flatting agents, thickening agents and anti-corrosion pigments to improve the performance, workability and sustainability of coatings, paints, inks.


Physical StateSnow white free flow powder
Chemistry With H2OHydrophilic
Moisture  105 °C%1.0 – 2.0
Oil Absorptiongm/100gm225 – 255
Loss on Ignition 900°C 2 hrs.%6.0 Max
pH%06 – 07
Surface Area BET 4m2/gm100 – 115
Bulk Densitygm/ cc0.12 – 0.16
Retention 300 #%1.0 Max
Refractive Value%1.46
Specific Gravity1.8 – 2.2
Silica Oxide Purity%98 – 99



Rubber & Tyers

Plastic & Polymer


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